Our Classes
Millennium Primary is a two-form entry school from Reception to Year 6, with a Nursery provision with both part and full time places. We have a Designated Special Provision for children diagnosed with ASD. Our classes are named after countries around the world.
DSP - England
Nursery - Scotland
Reception - Kenya and India
Year 1 - Wales and China
Year 2 - Nigeria and Japan
Year 3 - Spain and Northern Ireland
Year 4 - Russia and Italy
Year 5 - Australia and Vietnam
Year 6 - Madagascar and Jamaica
During the children’s time at primary school, they move through learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) to Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6).
The Year Group pages introduce you to the expectations at each stage of your child’s journey through the Millennium.
Children learn in our school. They are excited about their learning and are able to develop a wide range of skills that they will then be able to carry with them throughout their lives.